When the Covid-19 pandemic hit and we went into lockdown, I began this project of illustrating quarantine activities, aka “quarantivites”.

As I am inspired by design & illustration found on so many stamps and matchbooks, I wanted to create a series of bold, simple and graphic illustrations. Additionally, I wanted to create a stamp project of my own. I think the initial 3 or 4 drawings were quite basic and simple, however, as the project continued to evolve, the designs became more complex.

I began by blocking out my sketches in Adobe Illustrator. I find it easier to quickly build shapes, create compositions, and work on typography in there.
I created a limited palette of colors to work with and only added new ones when I could not otherwise achieve a result I was happy with.
From there, the vector illustrations were brought into Photoshop for texturing and finishing.
Thanks for checking out the project!